British Values Statement
At Leyland St James' CE Primary School, we actively promote British Values, defined by the Government as the following:
The rule of law
Individual liberty
Mutual respect
- Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
Subject and topic links to British Values can can be found on our subject overviews within the curriculum section.
Loving, valuing and respecting everyone is a central element of Christian behaviour and is at the heart of the life of the school. Leyland St. James’ CE Primary is a place where we learn how to love God, one another and ourselves, respecting others and treating everyone with dignity. This is achieved through collective worship, religious education and the application of Christian Values to relationships within and beyond the school.
We strive to nurture among everyone a real sense of purpose of who we are in the world and how special and unique we are in the eyes of God. Everyone is special. Everyone has value.
We aim to be a Christian family where all have dignity and are respected, and we endeavour to inspire children to create a better world through thoughtful respect and courageous advocacy.
Through our Christian Values of dignity, respect, awe and wonder, peace, friendship, justice, trust, hope and endurance, we engage children in learning that helps them be respectful towards others and be aware of their feeling, emotions and beliefs
We also aim to help pupils understand the role of British values in society including, democracy, the rules of law, individual liberty and respect and tolerance of those with different faiths. This is done overtly through our curriculum, National Curriculum and our RE topics.
Our curriculum threads SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) across all areas of learning and school life and ensures pupils are aware of the history and values of Britain and prepares pupils for life in modern Britain.
We develop children’s knowledge, understanding, and awareness of Christianity, as the predominant religion in Great Britain, and of the other principal religions represented in this country.